, Lausanne
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HES Event Identity

Visual Identity
This visual identity is for an event
themed "the city of tomorrow."
Generated by city data, The form reacts
to values dictated by citizen flows,
demonstrating through abstract forms
that the city of tomorrow will be shaped
by citizen actions.
The digital campaign mainly features animations
showing the generative design evolution.

, Lausanne
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HES Event Identity

Visual Identity
This visual identity is for an event
themed "the city of tomorrow."
Generated by city data, The form reacts
to values dictated by citizen flows,
demonstrating through abstract forms
that the city of tomorrow will be shaped
by citizen actions.
The digital campaign mainly features animations
showing the generative design evolution.

, Lausanne
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HES Event Identity

Visual Identity
This visual identity is for an event
themed "the city of tomorrow."
Generated by city data, The form reacts
to values dictated by citizen flows,
demonstrating through abstract forms
that the city of tomorrow will be shaped
by citizen actions.
The digital campaign mainly features animations
showing the generative design evolution.