, Lausanne
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Titanium Glass

3D Animation
Titanium Glass is a 3D animation showcasing
a futuristic material: unbreakable,
ultra-malleable glass as light as paper.
This teaser highlights the unique attributes
of "Titanium Glass" and hints at the limitless
possibilities it offers designers.
Here is a selection of sequences
emphasizing the material's potential.

, Lausanne
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Titanium Glass

3D Animation
Titanium Glass is a 3D animation showcasing
a futuristic material: unbreakable,
ultra-malleable glass as light as paper.
This teaser highlights the unique attributes
of "Titanium Glass" and hints at the limitless
possibilities it offers designers.
Here is a selection of sequences
emphasizing the material's potential.

, Lausanne
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Titanium Glass

3D Animation
Titanium Glass is a 3D animation showcasing
a futuristic material: unbreakable,
ultra-malleable glass as light as paper.
This teaser highlights the unique attributes
of "Titanium Glass" and hints at the limitless
possibilities it offers designers.
Here is a selection of sequences
emphasizing the material's potential.